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Image by Aaron Burden

Our Church


We are an International Missionary Movement

About Us: Portfolio

About us

We are a church with missionary purposes, our purpose is to reach souls with the message of the word of God. Establish new churches and reach mission fields to help people living in extreme poverty.


Our story

The Missionary Church Cristo mi Fortaleza founded by missionary pastors: Miguel and Berenice Mendez. We are an International Missionary Movement established in the state of New Jersey as a non-profit incorporation with the registration number 0400721140 and established in different countries around the world with the purpose of bringing the message of salvation to people who do not know Christ. . Establish mission centers in different fields where extreme poverty prevails, creating food and aid programs, supplying the most vulnerable children and adults with the most necessary things. Supporting and covering pastors and leaders, equipping them with the necessary tools for the expansion and growth of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Our Vision


Fulfill the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Evangelize, disciple, equip, and send workers to the mission field.

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